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Exhibitions take place regularly in the Red Star Line Museum.


Next exhibitions will be expected in the Red Star Line Museum.

Currently on view

The temporary exhibitions.


19.03.2014 - 11.05.2014

The Red Star Line Museum exhibited the monumental works of the Venezuelan-Hungarian artist Gaiska. Gaiska is a painter who lives and works in Antwerp. This exhibition containted a series of paintings that were inspired by the historic pictorial material of the Red Star Line.

Home Sweet Home

28.05.2014 - 14.09.2014

An exhibition on travel and coming home commemorates 50 years of migration from Morocco and Turkey to Belgium. Bülent Öztürk and Mashid Mohadjerin, two Antwerp artists, worked on this theme.

Far from the War?

26.09.2014 - 5.04.2015

When the German army occupied Belgium in 1914, it suddenly became almost impossible for the Belgian immigrants in the United States to contact family members. How did the war affect their lives?

Red Star Line wins public award!

The Red Star Line Museum received the public award of the annual Museum of the Year Award.

Tickets & rates

How much does a ticket cost? Are you entitled to a discount? How do you order tickets?

For non-Dutch speakers

Are you a teacher for non-Dutch speakers? The Red Star Line Museum compiled educational materials in close collaboration with experienced NT2-teachers. This will enable you to prepare your visit in the classroom as well as guide your students during their actual visit to the museum.

Alexis De Laet returned to Belgium to fight

Alexis De Laet left his native village of Burcht for Chicago in 1911. When World War I broke out he returned to Belgium to join the Belgian army.

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