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Belgian emigrants

In 1890, Louis van Engelen painted 'Belgian emigrants'. The painting is exhibited in the museum.

World Cruise News

During Red Star Line cruises, the World Cruise News newspaper was printed. The publication was free, and came out three times a week.

Migrants on deck

Photographs show the people involved and the circumstances surrounding their emigration. Consequently, photography is an important source of information for the story of the Red Star Line.

Modelship Belgenland II

A model in cross section of the legendary Belgenland II. It gives a good impression of how life on board must have been in 'Upstairs, Downstairs' terms.

Once again, recognition for the Red Star Line Museum in Antwerp

Red Star Line Museum recieves Flemish Culture Prize for Cultural Heritage

The Red Star Line Museum in Antwerp was awarded the Flemish Culture Prize for Cultural Heritage during the Groot Onderhoud, the yearly meeting and high point of the museum and heritage calendar! The Minister of Culture, Sven Gatz, gave every member of the museum's team a replica of the bronze sculpture 'La Ultima Isla' by Phillip Aguirre. The Culture Prize also included a 10.000 euro award to the Red Star Line Museum.

Ezra Commemorative Memorial Book

A commemorative memorial book from 1936 that belonged to Henri Schulsinger, the co-founder of the Jewish aid organisation Ezra, is displayed in the museum.


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The collection contains historical testimonies and documents, but also contemporary stories about migration. The museum also exhibits works by Antwerp artists for whom migration was an inspiring theme.

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