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234 total results

George Karcher

George Karcher worked as a cadet on the Belgenland.

Walter Pittoors

Walter Pittoors was the ship’s printer on various world cruises on the Belgenland.

Fernand Van Neylen

Fernand Van Neylen worked on the Lapland in February 1922.

Roland Fenner

Roland Fenner travelled as a passenger on the Belgenland world tour in 1927-1928.

Carl Kay

In December 1930, Carl Kay travelled by train from Kansas City to the port of New York. He was a musician who played bass in Fischer’s Exposition Orchestra.

Albert Einstein

In 1930, Albert Einstein received an invitation to conduct research in Pasadena, California. He decided to travel to the United States via Antwerp on the Belgenland.

Permanent exhibition

In the permanent exhibition you also find stories about the arrival on Ellis Island. The scenography shows objects and testimonies filmed in America.

In the museum

Make your visit to the museum more interesting: explore it yourself or be guided by a guide.


The Red Star Line Museum warmly welcomes groups, schools, families and corporations to the new museum.

The Red Star Line story bus

The Red Star Line story bus collected personal stories that were part of the exhibition 'Thuishaven' ('Safe Haven').

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