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Exhibition: ‘A Little Bit Belgian: Six Argentinians on their Roots’

[October 2017-April 2018]

For this exhibition, the Red Star Line Museum researched emigration from Belgium to Latin America in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

‘Here I am!’


Even before the museum opened, we toured the city with our Story Bus (with the name ‘Here I am!’) in search of contemporary migration stories. We worked with various sociocultural associations to collect hundreds of stories.

‘Home Sweet Home’ project and exhibition


In 2014, the ‘Home Sweet Home’ exhibition on travelling and coming home was staged in the museum Shed in collaboration with the artist Bülent Öztürk and the photographer Mashid Mohadjerin. The museum also worked with young people of Turkish and Moroccan origin.

The museum

What makes the Red Star Line Museum so special? The story, the location, the approach ... ? What are the principles of working? What is in the collection and how do we deal with it?

Know-how and research

We expand our collection through research and participatory projects, but also through cooperation with partners in setting up temporary exhibitions.

Our collection

The collection of the Red Star Line Museum is atypical. The story behind the historical place and its link with the present is our focal point.

Collection online

You can search for and download images of our collection yourself.

The stories

Stories of emigrants, cruise passengers and crew members. Stories of love migration or labour migration. Historical or contemporary, we keep them all.

The collection

This is what's the museum is all about.

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