We challenge five young artists, each with their own migration story, to be inspired by the work and life of Irving Berlin. How is Irving Berlin's musical legacy still relevant today and how does their own migration story influence their musical identity?
Remember ...
... is not merely a reference to the title of an Irving Berlin song. It also calls to remember Berlin's inspiring migration story and his musical legacy. But it goes beyond a nostalgic memory. It also calls on the five chosen artists to look for their own musical identity and the importance of their migration background in this. We stand on the shoulders of our ancestors. This applies not only to music, but also to migration.

The project
Five young musicians dive into Irving Berlin's oeuvre to find inspiration. They are assigned to work out an original composition, in which they are given complete creative freedom. The result is subordinate to the process.

The process is being filmed and made into a mini biopic for each artist.
The five compositions will be recorded in a live-session video clip in the museum galleries.
On Saturday, March 18, 2023, the musicians presented their song to the general public in the museum's ‘Loods’, all in the presence of Irving Berlin's granddaughter, Caroline Emmet.
This photo report gives an impression of this musical afternoon.