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A welcome refugee

Einstein and Red Star Line

In this free exhibition, you will discover Einstein's close relationship with Antwerp, Belgium and Red Star Line. 

    Friday 19 April 2024 until Sunday 8 September 2024 from 10:00 to 17:00

Homesickness. Between comfort and pride

Art exhibition you can help grow

Travel along with nine artists and find out about their homesickness. Their ongoing search for what really matters, for what makes coming home so emotional. Inspired? Leave your own mark, too.

Stories of refuge

1951 - 2021

70 years ago, 24 countries signed the Refugee Convention in Geneva. The new exhibition 'Stories of refuge' explores, beyond laws and political agreements, what it means to be on the run. From 1.04.2022 in the Shed.

Try-out babbel-café with family | practice dutch together with your family

Practice Dutch in our café with your whole family. Children are also welcome. You get a free drink and a ticket for the museum.

Photogallery Donors

23.09.2023 - 24.03.2024

Donors tend to fade into the background behind the objects they have given to the museum. But to celebrate our anniversary, we are bringing them out into the limelight. Photographer Koen Broos has turned his camera on 10 of them: one for each year of the museum’s existence.  


19.03.2014 - 11.05.2014

The Red Star Line Museum exhibited the monumental works of the Venezuelan-Hungarian artist Gaiska. Gaiska is a painter who lives and works in Antwerp. This exhibition containted a series of paintings that were inspired by the historic pictorial material of the Red Star Line.

Home Sweet Home

28.05.2014 - 14.09.2014

An exhibition on travel and coming home commemorates 50 years of migration from Morocco and Turkey to Belgium. Bülent Öztürk and Mashid Mohadjerin, two Antwerp artists, worked on this theme.

Far from the War?

26.09.2014 - 5.04.2015

When the German army occupied Belgium in 1914, it suddenly became almost impossible for the Belgian immigrants in the United States to contact family members. How did the war affect their lives?

Late night opening for students Dutch - 2024

Are you teaching evening classes for non-native speakers or coaching an integration training programme? You and your students are very welcome for a late night visit!

    Tuesday 1 October 2024 from 18:00 to 21:00
    Wednesday 20 November 2024 from 18:00 to 21:00
    Thursday 12 December 2024 from 18:00 to 21:00

Join-in-tour | Expo Einstein | Follow the guide

Are you visiting the museum on your own or as a couple? Do you want to take part in a guided tour? Every last Sunday of the month, you can follow our guide. Be welcome!

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