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Sumaya Chekkali

Artist exhibition Homesickness

Inspirational people in the Red Star Line Museum

Discover an overview of inspirational people that are part of the stories of the Red Star Line museum.

10 donors

photo gallery 'Donors'


Stories of refugees


70 years ago, 24 countries signed the Refugee Convention in Geneva. The new exhibition 'Stories of refugees' explores, beyond laws and political agreements, what it means to be on the run. From 1.04.2022 in the Shed.

Destination Sweetheart


Love migrants told their stories during the ‘Destination Sweetheart’ exhibition. They told them while being interviewed and shared their photographs and mementoes.

Children’s Committee

[2021-present day]

In 2021 we started the Children’s Committee, made up of 7 children who meet every month to discuss and think about ideas for the museum. Wilde Raven guided us through this journey and translated the children’s ideas into concrete actions.

Roots Seekers


The presentation of ‘Roots Seekers’ showed us the story of people in search of their own distant and recent past. For more recent migration stories, the museum collaborated with students from the Sint-Agnes Institute in Borgerhout.

Project ‘Fieldworkers’


The museum launched our fieldworkers project in 2017. Fieldworkers are people with a refugee and migration background who conduct interviews with migrants themselves.

Exhibition: ‘A Little Bit Belgian: Six Argentinians on their Roots’

[October 2017-April 2018]

For this exhibition, the Red Star Line Museum researched emigration from Belgium to Latin America in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

‘Here I am!’


Even before the museum opened, we toured the city with our Story Bus (with the name ‘Here I am!’) in search of contemporary migration stories. We worked with various sociocultural associations to collect hundreds of stories.

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