What is homesickness? Is it nostalgia for a time that will never return? A place that no longer exists? What smells and colours are associated with it? Homesickness is a feeling that touches everyone and often involves memories of security.
The Red Star Line Museum is the perfect place to celebrate this longing for home. A place where a century ago millions of emigrants left with suitcases packed with hopes, aches and dreams. Today, the museum tells stories about migration past and present. And inseparable from that is a sense of homesickness.
Art Exhibition
The exhibition brought together the work of nine emerging artists from diverse backgrounds. Through coaching and master classes, they have explored what homesickness means to them and created a new work focussing on that feeling.

Featuring work by: Eveline Ebeneser/Bumba, Fradida, Gülsah Bayrak, Justine Corrijn, Naïma El Kadi, Natalia Semiachkina, Rocio Forero, Rose-Myrtha Vercammen and Sumaya Chekkali.
In collaboration with ARTESHOQ.