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Achter de schermen van het Red Star Line Museum

Het Red Star Line museum leeft, ook achter gesloten deuren. Op deze pagina ontdek je waar onze werking mee bezig is.

Website accessibility

Everyone should be able to easily use and view the information on the website of the Red Star Line Museum.


Hoe bouw je een stamboom als er geen sporen meer zijn? Hoe evolueren herinneringen doorheen de tijd? Wat is waarheid en wat is fictie? En welke sporen wil jij achterlaten op deze wereld? De presentatie ‘Rootszoekers’ toont het verhaal van mensen die, bewogen door hun roots, op zoek gingen naar hun eigen ongekende geschiedenis.

Migrating Memories

29th annual AEMI meeting

The Red Star Line Museum hosts the 29th annual AEMI meeting which will take place from october 2nd to october 5th. Find the program here.

The museum's DNA

What is it that makes the Red Star Line Museum special? It's story, it's location, the way it's approaches things ...?

Our partners

Many dozens of partner institutions were involved in the realization of the Red Star Line Museum. The museum has a long-term collaboration with several of them.

Specially Unknown

Red Star Line Museum takes part in the European Refugees Oral History project Specially Unknown

In search of their roots

23.04.2019 - 6.10.2019

The presentation followed in the footsteps of the root seekers and moved through the emotions behind a family or migration history.

‘Me, Myself & Belgium’ project

[final presentation 20.01.2017]

With this project, the museum (in collaboration with Joba refugee network) gave unaccompanied minor refugees an opportunity to introduce themselves at the museum and to preserve their stories for the future.

NT2 Nocturnes


The museum has joined forces with teachers and with the Atlas organization to develop educational materials that help newcomers experience the museum in a personalized way.

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