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The museum's DNA

What is it that makes the Red Star Line Museum special? It's story, it's location, the way it's approaches things ...?

Our partners

Many dozens of partner institutions were involved in the realization of the Red Star Line Museum. The museum has a long-term collaboration with several of them.

Specially Unknown

Red Star Line Museum takes part in the European Refugees Oral History project Specially Unknown

In search of their roots

23.04.2019 - 6.10.2019

The presentation followed in the footsteps of the root seekers and moved through the emotions behind a family or migration history.

To see & to do

What's on display now or in the near future? Which activities are planned?

For companies and associations

Organise an exclusive event for your clients, staff or business relations outside the museum's opening hours. Or how about a cultural teambuilding?


Are you looking for a cultural teambuilding event for your employees? Check out our selection of guided tours and city walks.

For companies and associations

Organise an exclusive event for your clients, staff or business relations outside the museum's opening hours. Or how about a cultural teambuilding?

For non-native speakers

Are you a teacher for non-Dutch speakers? The Red Star Line Museum compiled educational materials in close collaboration with experienced NT2-teachers. This will enable you to prepare your visit in the classroom as well as guide your students during their actual visit to the museum.

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