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Stories of refugees

01.04.2022 - 11.12.2022

70 years ago, 24 countries signed the Refugee Convention in Geneva. The new exhibition 'Stories of refugees' explores, beyond laws and political agreements, what it means to be on the run. From 1.04.2022 in the Shed.

Destination Sweetheart

25.09.2020 - 26.09.2021

Migrants of love leave their homes, family and friends to build a future with their loved one. ‘Destination Sweetheart’ was an exhibition about migrating for love from the Red Star Line period to the present day. Letters, interviews and personal objects offered insight into heart-warming stories, as well confrontational ones. 

Fieldwork. Refugee experiences in Antwerp

7.11.2019 - 3.8.2020

Many newcomers in Antwerp have come to our country as refugees. In a time in which more is spoken about them, rather than with them, their stories are worth hearing.

Tickets & rates

How much does a ticket cost? Are you entitled to a discount? How do you order tickets?

Albert Einstein: famous passenger, welcome refugee

Discover the story of the Red Star Line shipping company from a unique perspective: that of Albert Einstein, a beloved guest aboard its ships. This tour offers a surprising perspective on the permanent presentation.

Conditions of sale

Read the general sales conditions of the Antwerp City Museums here.

Temporary exhibitions

The museum also holds temporary exhibitions in 'De Loods', which is the name of the old baggage shed of the Red Star Line shipping company.

To see & to do

What's on display now or in the near future? Which activities are planned?

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