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Exhibition: ‘A Little Bit Belgian: Six Argentinians on their Roots’

[October 2017-April 2018]

For this exhibition, the Red Star Line Museum researched emigration from Belgium to Latin America in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

‘Here I am!’


Even before the museum opened, we toured the city with our Story Bus (with the name ‘Here I am!’) in search of contemporary migration stories. We worked with various sociocultural associations to collect hundreds of stories.

‘Home Sweet Home’ project and exhibition


In 2014, the ‘Home Sweet Home’ exhibition on travelling and coming home was staged in the museum Shed in collaboration with the artist Bülent Öztürk and the photographer Mashid Mohadjerin. The museum also worked with young people of Turkish and Moroccan origin.

Remember Berlin

A musical project

In 1893 Irving Berlin crossed the ocean to America on a Red Star Line boat. There he became one of the most influential composers of the 20th century. 130 years later, the Red Star Line Museum wants to provide a platform again and support young musicians in chasing their dreams.

Upper Deck: A hospitable place

Are you a visitor, staff or just casually passing by? Everybody’s welcome. For the time being we are unable to serve drinks, but you can take a seat, relax or eat your own lunch.

Cristina Sapalo

Remember Berlin

Cristina describes herself as a singer-songwriter and musician with Angolan roots. She grew up with influences from gospel, Congolese and Angolan music, R&B and funk.

Omid Aghajani

Remember Berlin

Omid was born in Iran. There he received a classical trumpet training. Via the non-profit organization Zing Zang Zong, he found his way to the Antwerp Conservatory. His main instrument is guitar and he is open to all kinds of musical influences.

Joe Ayoub

Remember Berlin

Joe has Lebanese roots and only became involved in music at a later age. At Zing Zang Zong he turned out to be a natural talent, which gave him the opportunity to start teaching there. Joe has only been musically active for 2 years, but has already participated in several projects of Fameus vzw.

Anke Ludwig

Remember Berlin

Anke has been playing classical piano since she was 4 years old. She is currently studying Jazz in her 2nd year at the Antwerp Conservatory. There she managed to get her own permanent rhythm section.

Harmony Wellinghof aka Stripes

Remember Berlin

Harmony, aka Stripes. Her UK roots are clearly present in her sound and beats. She states that this translates into a unique mix of jazz and trap. Currently she is a solo artist, but in the near future she hopes to put together her own live band.

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