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237 total results

Walter Luys

I’m glad the mementos my aunt kept still mean something.

Fatima Adnan and Henia El Biyar

We are proud to pass on our history!

Jan Krijff

It pays to support the museum.

Yousuf Eid

I hope my story can help other refugees.

What do we stand for?

The Red Star Line Museum is a Flemish museum about migration. What is the mission, vision and policy?

Take the Red Star Line home with you

The museum shop has something ‘nautical’ that will appeal to you. Take a look in the shop after your museum visit or just drop by. The entrance is free.

Help writing the story of the museum

Do you have a story that is related to the history of the Red Star Line, a Red Star Line passenger, or to past or contemporary migration? We want to hear it!

Our policy

What makes the Red Star Line Museum so special? The story, the location, the approach ... ? What is our collection and how do we deal with it?

With a guide

A guided tour makes a visit to the museum even more fun and interesting.

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