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237 total results

Quotes along the way (for schools)

A walk between Central Station and Red Star Line Museum on the trail of land movers for students in the second or third grade of secondary education.

Quotes along the way

A walk between Central Station and Red Star Line Museum on the trail of land movers.

Via Antwerp - Migrants' stories

Interactive tour in a group, suitable for pupils aged 16 and up.

Become a volunteer

Find out everything about becoming a volunteer at the Red Star Line Museum. Your talents and efforts will certainly be appreciated.

For companies and associations

Organise an exclusive event for your clients, staff or business relations outside the museum's opening hours. Or how about a cultural teambuilding?

For non-native speakers

Are you a teacher for non-Dutch speakers? The Red Star Line Museum compiled educational materials in close collaboration with experienced NT2-teachers. This will enable you to prepare your visit in the classroom as well as guide your students during their actual visit to the museum.

For companies and associations

Organise an exclusive event for your clients, staff or business relations outside the museum's opening hours. Or how about a cultural teambuilding?

The story of migration

The Red Star Line Museum invites you on an exciting voyage. Discover the story of the shipping company, the city of Antwerp and its harbour. Above all, discover the emigrants’ stories.

Permanent exhibition

In the permanent exhibition you also find stories about the arrival on Ellis Island. The scenography shows objects and testimonies filmed in America.

Collection online

You can search for and download images of our collection yourself.

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